My brother was going to trade his Xbox 360 for a Wii but ended up having someone trade him for his old paintball gun and $75! He still wasn't going to play his Xbox 360 so I bought it from him for what he bought it for a few years ago ($75). So! Nathan got 100% return on how much he bought it for, and I went and traded the Xbox 360 for a Wii... STRAIGHT across!!! Kristi and I showed up at the house and man it was just BEAUTIFUL. In meridian there was a subdivision that seemed like all the houses were monsters, and were all rustic looking. THey had dark wood, stones, etc.. It was really cool!! Anyways, we traded it flat out: One Xbox 360+One wireless controller+NCAA 2007(football) = One Wii+Two Controllers+Two Nunchucks+One controller cover+Wii Sports+Wii Play. I'd say I got a sweet trade!! Kristi and I got home and hooked up and played for at least an hour playing Wii Tennis, Wii boxing(she kicked my butt), Wii bowling(again, butt kicking), and then created our own mii's. It was a good time! Pictures will follow. ...(eventually)
Friday, August 21, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009

I just had to share this story, and that is the only point of this blog to share my story of the weekend

We got both of the kites up (his phantom and my scorpion). His phantom was perfect in those winds, we had the internal strap on his completely loose, and it was mostly trimmed in so it was quite manageable. My Scorpion was freaking SCARY. Because after the 25mph turbulent winds it became more like 20mph gusting to 30mph. The Scorp isn't as forgiving as the phantom so I ended up pulling the quick release. . . Anywyas, jump to the end of the day and we had both the peter lynns packed up and it was still 20mph gusting to 30mph. We pull out the 4m crossfire just for some "daring" fun

Ok, my turn on this thing... I weigh a bit more so the 4m is a little more manageable for me. I start the scudding and he dared me to do some jumps, and you know... You've gotta try and out-do your buddy right?! I take it across from 10 to 2 slowly and get a decent jump.
So far, all day long we had held back, we were controlling the kites to jump as high as WE wanted, and to go as fast as WE wanted. We were holding the kites back and not letting them do what they truly wanted to do in these winds. This was the moment I let the kite loose (bad idea)
As i'm scudding i get ready for my next jump in my head i'm thinking (alright this is gonna be good). I bring to the left and let it ZOOM to the right as i run back and THWAAAAAAAAAP!! I get LAUNCHED. Not like a slow lift but like a youtube video where the dudes get TAKEN by the kite. While I was up there looking down I kept my cool (as much as i could) and had the automatic reaction to redirect, i kept thinking to myself as i'm falling "come on where's the redirect! COME ON! COME ON!!!!" just as i get a bit of lift again from the kite i go THUMP. I landed and deployed the killers breaking one of them. No injuries thank God and I'm glad I was wearing my knee pads ad the same time cuz those came in handy

After talking with my brother, wife and Tyler we figured I was about 25-30 feet up (there were 10 ft soccer goals right next to where I was). 25-30ft is a little too high for me, ESPECIALLY with a 4m kite.
So that's the story.... now... what's the moral of the story?
When playing with fire, know you will get burned if you let it out of it's cage.
Great Craigslist Trade/Fixup
A few crazy things have happened recently, I got a free 53" rear projection HDTV off of craigslist. I ended up buying a $50 convergence chip kit that included some resistors and the chips. I ended up soldering the chips on there, as well as the resistors! The problem was that i put the wrong size resistors on, so i had to order some more. After that the TV WORKED!!!! HUGE MASSIVE BEASTUS!
After I had it working for a night I traded it for a Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop 15.4 inch monitor, 512mb ram, 1.7 pentium m processor. Which I am now selling. Hopefully after my $75 up front for that TV and probably 5 hours of my time I will end up with a pretty good size profit :D.

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